Leaning & Tilting Chimneys Mean Big Problems
As a homeowner, one of the most comforting things in your home can be having a fire in the fireplace. It’s wintertime in Iowa and Nebraska, so when we think of our chimney, that is the first thing we think of. We enjoy that warm and toasty fire so much.
What you don’t think about is the problems that your chimney could cause you. If you notice that your chimney is tilting or leaning, it isn’t something you should ignore. It can be dangerous to you, your neighbors, and your home. You may think it is an optical illusion when you notice your chimney leaning, but if it is, don’t wait—Call Jerry’s Waterproofing to inspect it right away.
Understanding the Danger of a Leaning or Tilting Chimney
A leaning chimney is a serious problem that needs to be resolved as quickly as possible with the help of Jerry’s Waterproofing. If you don’t take care of it, it could mean bricks coming loose and falling on your home, or worse yet, on someone’s head. Cracks can appear in the masonry, and bugs, water, or ice can cause big problems. It can lead to a cracked chimney liner, leaking gases into your home, or even collapse, leading to big problems for your whole house. Understanding the causes and the possible solutions is half the battle, and Jerry’s Waterproofing can help provide a solution so you can return to enjoying your fireplace!
Some Common Causes of a Tilting or Leaning Chimney:
- Inferior Soil Around the Chimney Base
- Deteriorated Chimney Footings
- Landscaping Interference
- Ground Water Damage
- Excess Ground Water
- Water Runoff from Gutters
Don’t panic, though. There is good news. With modern foundation repair methods from Jerry’s Waterproofing, we can add structural support to a leaning or tilting chimney. With helical piers placed beneath the footing of the chimney, we can straighten and strengthen the structure and prevent further damage to your home and property. Call Jerry’s Waterproofing today to learn more or to have an inspection.
From tilting and leaning chimneys to water and other foundation problems, Jerry’s Waterproofing has solutions for you. We serve Omaha, Nebraska, the surrounding area, and much of Iowa. Call today to see how we can help you with your leaning or tilting chimney!