Preparing for Flooding in Your Omaha Homes

Let the Omaha Basement Professionals Help

A flooded basement with the words "Preparing for flooding in your basement"

During the summer, Omaha has been hit with lots of rain, and flooding has become a significant problem. If you are experiencing flooding in your basement, you might feel like you do not know what to do. Jerry’s Waterproofing is here to help. We can offer you support by installing basement drainage systems and helping you keep up with sump pump installation.

Basement drainage systems can relieve current flooding and water damage and help prevent future damage. They can also help keep your possessions and your home safe from flooding. There are two types of basement drainage systems: exterior and interior. Each has its own task, but both will help keep water away from your home and its foundation.

Basement Drainage Options for Nebraska

An exterior drainage system is the most expensive waterproofing service and can be invasive to the surrounding area. However, it is the most effective water control approach. This system will help keep water away from your home.

The most common drainage system is an interior drainage system, which is usually installed if you experience flooding. This system is paired with your sump pump system to control the excess water further. It diverts water to the sump pump system, which pushes it outside and away from your home. Depending on your home’s specific situation, an interior drainage system may be placed above, within, or beneath the slab.

Whatever your choice, we will help you keep water out of your basement. We are Omaha’s number-one basement drainage team! If you have flooding problems or need basement waterproofing, call us today!