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Homeowners often call us with wet basements and are in desperate need of a waterproofing system. So many homes do not have a proper waterproofing system in their home. When there isn't a proper waterproofing system installed, it can cause a lot of stress to the homeowner when the heavy rains come.
When you have a wet basement, it can cause many problems if it is not properly taken care of. Luckily, the professionals at Jerry's Waterproofing are industry experts and can help you to recover your damaged items and restore your basement's usability.
Water damage is one of the hardest things to overcome in your home. Many times if there is water damage in the home it cannot be fixed. Items stored in the basement might need to be thrown away.
And if you have a finished basement? Think about the time and money it would cost to replace any carpeting or other damaged flooring and damaged drywall every time you get a good rain.
There is a reason that wet basements should be dried as soon as possible. Basement flooding can lead to mold growth.
Even if you do not use your basement, the mold spores can still circulate in the air throughout the house. Many can cause respiratory ailments or, perhaps even more dangerously, cause problems for people with existing respiratory problems.
If you simply accept that your basement is going to occasionally flood you are also accepting the fact that you have mostly lost use of it.
Best case scenario involves finding shelving impervious to the water so you can still have some storage. Maybe you can get away with raising appliances off the ground, but even that isn't ideal.
If you are confident that your basement will stay dry, you can finish it for additional living space. Or you can use it for storage. But whatever you choose, it will be dictated by you, not by the fear of water entering through the walls or floor.
Let's get the one that we can't solve out of the way first. You will want to rule out plumbing issues. Is there water coming from any pipes? Is the water coming from a water heater that is likely on its last legs?
A damaged back flow preventer on basement drains can also cause issues.
The good news is that most if not all plumbing issues have nothing to do with the weather, so the problems are less likely to coincide with a storm and if they do, will continue on after it as well. This is a good way of narrowing down the root cause of your wet basement.
There are plenty of ways that water can help your yard. There are also plenty of reasons to keep it away from your foundation.
Water forcing its way into your basement often means that there was an excess of water around your home to begin with.
Sometimes it is as simple as clogged gutters or a lack of downspout extenders. Other times the grading of your yard causes water to pool near your home.
Regardless of the cause, water pooling near your foundation is likely to eventually damage your home.
There isn't much you can do about this one. If the water table rises enough after rains (or heavy snow melt) to cause the water table to rise to the level of your foundation, water can either seep through existing cracks in the basement floor or walls or the pressure from it can cause those very cracks to form.
The best waterproofing for you largely depends on your home's particular problems and access issues. In some cases, certain options either wouldn't be feasible or would spur a cascade of other needed repairs. That is why at Jerry's Waterproofing we offer multiple waterproofing options so we can match the correct waterproofing system for your precise needs.
Some of the waterproofing options that we offer for your home's wet basement include:
With exterior drainage systems, we identify problem areas and install drainage tile to direct the water away from your home's foundation and to portions of the yard where it won't cause damage.
Whether a French drain or a channel drain is necessary, we can install a system that will move the water away from your foundation.
With waterproofing membranes, we expose the exterior of your basement walls. Waterproofing board and other materials are then applied to them. This can prevent water from entering your home through the basement walls.
Waterproofing board or membranes can be used alone or in tandem with other exterior waterproofing systems.
With an interior drainage system, we excavate around the interior perimeter of your basement walls. We then lay drain tile complete with perforated piping. Weep holes are drilled into the walls so that any water that infiltrates the walls flows into the drain tile.
The drain pipe is designed to direct the water to a sump pit, from where a sump pump will pump the water out into your yard.
The drain pipe will then be concreted over, repairing your slab floor.
While the exterior drainage systems aim to prevent water from entering your basement, the interior drainage system makes sure that any water that does enter your basement enters where you want it to and is removed from your home, keeping your basement dry.
Most people wait until they have water problems before installing waterproofing. If you are planning to finish your basement, though, it might be a good idea to waterproof it first, especially if water problems are common in your neighborhood.
It is much easier to waterproof a basement before finishing it than needing to remove any drywall and flooring around the perimeter of your basement after finishing it, to say nothing of any possible additions like fireplaces.
Do not wait until flooding and dampness are serious issues in your basement — get in touch with an expert from Jerry's Waterproofing the moment that you start to see signs of water damage or infiltration in your basement.
If you have water coming into your basement and live in our eastern Nebraska and western Iowa service area, give Jerry's Waterproofing a call today to discuss your options. Let us solve your water problems permanently!